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This page covers practical tips on job interviews so Christians can fulfill the employment part of God's financial plan.  The Job Interview is essential for employment, a large part of Christian Finances And Stewardship.

Job Interview Tips For Christians

The second most important tool for your job search tool box is the Job Interview.  This page provides tips that can help you nail the interview and get the job.  If you'd like help with your resume, visit Resume Writing Tips.  For more information on conducting a successful job search, see Employment And Christian Finances.  These best-selling Job Interview Books can help you prepare.

Job Interview Tips-Before The Interview (most important):

1.  Research your potential employer:  Check the Internet, the stock history, the BBB, consumer reports, County Courthouse, your State licensing boards and any other source for objective information on your potential employer.  You want to get information you can use at the interview to show you're interested in more than how much they pay.  What is their share of the market?  Are they having trouble with their suppliers, customers, employees?  Do they participate in their community activities or sponsor children's sports, etc?  Make notes of everything you discover.
2.  Research their main competitors, suppliers and customers in the same way.  How does your potential employer compare with their competitors?  Are they gaining or losing ground?  Make notes.
3.  Visit your potential employer's facility and talk with a few of their employees.  Are they happy with their work?  What kind of training programs are they involved in?  Do they get opportunities to offer suggestions to improve their company?  How do they receive recognition for exceptional work?  Make notes.
4.  Call a few of their customers (if possible), let them know you're considering working for their supplier and would like to know their impression of the company.  Make notes.
5.  Consider all the information you gathered in steps 1-4 above.  List 3 things that impress you about the company.  List 3 things that concern you.  List any areas you discovered where you feel your skills or experience can benefit the company.
6.  Get as many common interview questions as you can find, plan your answers to those questions and have a friend interview you until you answer all questions smoothly and politely.  Less than 10% of job seekers ever practice makes a difference.

The above steps will set you apart from all but the top 2% of potential employees.  Your objective in the research is to find ways to show your prospective employer you're interested in more than their pay and benefits.

Good Job Interview Questions:

1.  Tell me what experience you have that you feel qualifies you to do this job?
2.  What training or education do you have that has given you the skills to do the work?
3.  Describe some goals you have set for yourself and how you measure your progress.
4.  Why did you leave your previous company? (Never criticize former employers or co-workers.  Think of the most optimistic (and true) reason you can give and leave it at that.  If you've been fired for cause, it's best to reveal that and deal with it here.)
5.  When I follow-up with your previous employers, is there anything you feel one of them may tell me that you'd like to explain? (If you've had a serious problem that was documented, it's best to be forthcoming about it and deal with it in a positive fashion.)
6.  Describe what steps you would take to resolve a problem with a co-worker?
7.  Why do you want to work for this company?
8.  What special things can you tell me about yourself that sets you apart from others? (This is an opportunity to discuss awards, volunteer work, special achievements, etc.)
9.  Describe a mistake you made in the past and what you did to account for it and recover.
10.  Describe the compensation you feel would be reasonable for your work.  Pay, benefits, etc. (be careful with this one...too high and they won't hire you...too low and they will feel you don't think very highly of your skills.  This is where your research can help.)
11.  Do you have any questions for me?  (If you've done your research, you should have a couple questions that have to do with the operation of the company.  Don't ask about sick leave, vacation or retirement.  If you didn't find out in another way and if it isn't you're only question, it's OK to ask for a description of the compensation package.)
12.  Is there anything you'd like to add to what we've discussed? (If you've done your research, this is an opportunity bring up some of the things that you discovered.  It's also a good time to correct or add to any answers you gave to previous questions.)

Job Interview Tips-After The Interview:

1.  Always send a thank you note addressed to the specific person who conducted the interview.  Keep it simple, but mention the position, your name and your thanks for the opportunity.  If you remember something specific the person said that impressed you, it could impress them if you mentioned it.
2.  See Employment And Christian Finances for more post-interview advice.

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