All our forums are anonymous, using a name you make up. Your true name, email address, etc. are protected by our forums software.
To submit a prayer request or pray for others, visit Prayer Requests Online
To seek advice, visit Christian Advice And Encouragement
To ask a Bible question, visit Bible Questions And Answers
For all other issues: Christian Forums
We recommend you use the forums above, for any prayer requests or personal issues you wish help on. Should you email us with a personal issue, we will never display, publish, give, or sell your names, email addresses, etc.
To report a problem with the website or general questions, email glen@
To write Glen Williams, EHF Director, email glen@
To write other Board members, email:
Kevin Tyndall: kevin@
Debbie Tyndall: deb@
Dennis Perry: dennis@
Marsha Takahashi: marsha@
E-Home Fellowship, Inc.
1390 Broadway, Suite B PMB 344
Placerville, Ca. 95667-5918