God is good, all the time, He put a song of praise
in this heart of mine
God is good, all the time, through the darkest night His light will shine
God is good, God is good, all the time
If you're walking, through the valley, there are
shadows all around
Do not fear, He will guide you, He will keep you safe and sound
He has promised to never leave you nor forsake you
And His Word is true
We were sinners, so unworthy, still for us He
chose to die
He filled us with, His Holy Spirit, Now we can stand and testify
That His love, is everlasting, and His mercies
They will never end
Though I may not understand, All the plans You
have for me
My life is in your hands, And through the eyes of faith I can clearly see...
Christian Contemporary Music-Top Releases
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Christian Music
Glorify Thy Name
Glory To The King
God Is Good All The
God Is In Control
God Will Make A Way
He Will Come And Save You
Holy Ground
Holy Roar
Holy Visitation
I Adore
I Believe In Jesus
I Know It
I Live To Know You
In Your Hands
Into The Shelter House
I See The Lord
Isnt He
I Walk By Faith
I Will Celebrate
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