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The Meaning Of Christian Stewardship offers, in Bible study format, the full counsel of God's Word on work ethics, earning, saving, credit, investment and yes, giving. The Bible contains many surprises compared to what is commonly taught.

Online Christian Discipleship School
LifeCycle Series B3

The Meaning Of Christian Stewardship

Instructions:  You can use the course online or print each lesson and fill in the blanks.  If you're taking these courses with the goal of receiving a diploma or becoming a member of Web-Church, you must answer and file a copy of each lesson to submit to Web-Church once you've completed all lessons.  If you wish to make a file copy, you can highlight the text and paste it into a text file.  Pay close attention to any affirmations, commitments or Bible memory verses at the end of lessons.  These are included to help cement the lesson content into your life. 

Before beginning this session, take a few minutes to record what you've already been taught about how Christians should look at money. That way, you'll have a reference point to come back to at the end of the session.

Introduction:  Money may be the most misunderstood topic in God's Word. Some believe God's followers should have no money or possessions. Others believe all His followers should be the wealthiest people on earth. Where's the truth? We're not going to delve into why there's so much misunderstanding. Our purpose in this session is to review the whole counsel of God's Word concerning money; earning, budgeting, debt, saving, investing, attitude and giving. If you're like me, you'll be surprised by many things the Word has to say about money. 

1. Christian Employment, Integrity and Earning: 

a. Work: II Th 3:10 "If a man will not ____, he shall not ___." 

b. Balance work and rest: Dt 5:13-14 "___ days you shall labor and do ___ your work, but the seventh day…you shall ___ do ___ work…" Mk 2:27 "The _______ was made for ___, ___ man for the Sabbath."

The religious leaders in Jesus' time had taken the day God chose to free us from work and used it to enslave us to useless rituals. It's clear what God is after is a balance between work and rest so His people can spend a significant amount of time to learn about and worship Him. Please note He said we are to do all our work in six days. 

c. Hard work: Pr 14:23 "___ hard work brings a ______, but mere ____ leads only to _______." Pr 18:9 "One who is _____ in his work is brother to one who ________." Pr 20:13 "Do not love _____ or you will grow ____…" Pr 10:4 "____ hands make a man ____, but diligent hands bring ____."  

d. Skilled work: Pr 22:29 "Do you see a man _______ in his work? He will serve before _____…"  

e. Honest work: Ex 18:21 "…select…trustworthy men who ____ dishonest gain…" Le 19:35 "Do not use dishonest _________ when measuring length, weight or quantity." Pr 13:11 "Dishonest _____ dwindles away…" 

2. Christian Financial Management:

Some teach that Followers of Jesus shouldn't pay attention to financial matters because that's "worldliness". Jesus said not to "_____" Mt 6:25-34 about food, clothes, etc. Planning isn't worrying! Jesus gave His disciples numerous teachings concerning proper use and management of money. Paul expressed much concern about finances, and advised his appointees'. It's out of balance and irresponsible to ignore such a significant part of Christian life. The best way to eliminate worry about money is to manage our income and spending by planning. Lk 14:28 "…first sit down and estimate the ____ to see if he has enough _____…" / Pr 16:3 "______ to the Lord whatever you do, and your _____ will succeed." Pr 21:5 "The _____ of the diligent lead to ______ as surely as _____ leads to poverty."

Helpful hint: Our current income is probably "spoken for" already. While we can cut expenses in some places, the most powerful budgeting tool is planning for our increase in income and for 'gift' or 'surprise' money. If we wait until this money is in our hands, it's too late. Instead, we can plan how we'll spend it. For example: 40 % to pay down debt, 20 % to God, 20% to savings, 20 % to lifestyle (recreation, entertainment, etc.) If we got a $ 100 per month net raise we would $ 40 more on a credit card, give $ 20 to God, save $ 20, and have $ 20 to 'blow'. More on this later.  

3. Christian Stewardship and Credit:

Pr 22:7 "…the borrower is _______ to the lender." Ro 13:8 "Let no ____ remain outstanding…"  

Helpful hints: For every $ 1,000 of credit card debt, you pay over $ 15 per month in interest alone. If you make the minimum payment, you pay five times the retail price for everything you buy on a credit card. Pay them off! In the U.S. as in some other countries, it costs the same to buy a home on mortgage as it does to rent a home. Since buying results in property ownership, it's wiser to buy even on a mortgage than to rent. Of course, this doesn't justify refinance, second mortgages or home equity loans.

Continued at Christian Stewardship-2

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